About ZATI

The Zanzibar Association of Tourism Investors (ZATI) is a non-governmental, non-political, and membership-based organization established in 2003. We represent and support the interests of Zanzibar’s tourism private sector while promoting sustainable, responsible, and professional practices. Acting as a vital link between the tourism sector and the Government, ZATI is dedicated to fostering a thriving, sustainable tourism industry in Zanzibar.

Our Members

ZATI’s members encompass all areas of the tourism sector and its supporting industries. This includes, but is not limited to, accommodation providers, food and beverage establishments, tour operators, activity providers, suppliers, and professional service firms. Together, we form the united voice of the tourism private sector in Zanzibar.

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Natalia Duke

(Chairman and founder)
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About ZATI

Our Mandate

Driving Key Initiatives for Zanzibar’s Tourism

ZATI advocates for improvements in key areas crucial to the tourism industry, including:

Mission & Vision

Shaping a Sustainable Future for Zanzibar Tourism

Our vision and mission reflect our commitment to shaping a sustainable and prosperous future for Zanzibar’s tourism industry.


To be the driving force behind a thriving and sustainable tourism industry in Zanzibar, where responsible practices, unity, and innovation flourish. Our vision is to create prosperity for our members, foster community well-being, preserve our natural and cultural heritage, and continually enhance the investment climate and ease of doing business.


We unite and empower stakeholders in Zanzibar's tourism sector by promoting responsible tourism, fostering collaboration, and advocating for sustainable growth policies. Our focus includes skills development, creating an investment-friendly environment, and upholding ethical standards while engaging with the government and local communities to enhance the tourism industry's well-being.
Our Objectives

The main objectives of ZATI include:

ZATI advocates for improvements in key areas crucial to the tourism industry, including:

To unify and represent all the members in the tourism sector of Zanzibar.

To defend the rights and interests of the stakeholders in the tourism sector.

To act as a link between the members of the tourism sector and the Government on matters of socio-economic policies.

To formulate and uphold the highest standard of business ethics.

To advise and co-operate closely with the Government in formulating policies and programmes relating to the tourism industry and its promotion internally and externally.

To co-operate with the Government in formulating strategies for the promotion of tourism and the maintenance of standards of professionalism in the tourism industry.

To unify and represent all the members in the tourism sector of Zanzibar.
To defend the rights and interests of the stakeholders in the tourism sector.
To act as a link between the members of the tourism sector and the Government on matters of socio-economic policies.
To formulate and uphold the highest standard of business ethics.
To advise and co-operate closely with the Government in formulating policies and programmes relating to the tourism industry and its promotion internally and externally.
To co-operate with the Government in formulating strategies for the promotion of tourism and the maintenance of standards of professionalism in the tourism industry.
To work hand in hand with the relevant Government authorities to collect and disseminate business information on the tourism industry nationally and internationally.
To promote, participate in, render advice on, conduct and/or fund education and training in order to promote skills development and/or create awareness of the need for hospitality training for any business directly or indirectly involved in Zanzibar tourism.
To cooperate with companies, institutions, agencies, societies and associations having similar objectives.
To affiliate and join membership with national and international business organizations.
To support, stimulate and catalyze socio-economic development.
To invest in any economically viable investment approved from time to time by the Association.
To raise and borrow money on such terms as the Association may from time to time deem fit and expedient.
To help its members to realize their objectives.
To represent the collective ZATI membership towards local, national, regional, and international bodies, authorities, and institutions.
To assist towards strategic planning, sustainable development, and quality enhancement of Zanzibar’s tourism product.
To perform any other function and objective approved by the General Assembly.

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Migombani (Airport Road) Zanzibar
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)